Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Just for fun webbing belt!

"you never know when you'll need some webbing"

        While cleaning up some gear, my friend Julie handed my a small 'scrap' of webbing. she was convinced that I was the only person she knew who could put it to use as a belt so I grabbed my self a buckle and latched it one. to my surprise I had room to spare. 

       Having webbing around can come and handy and caring it around your waist can make it easily accessible. there are many great uses for webbing other then holding up pants; you can craft an anchor for a climb, temporarily fix a backpack, it can help in the creation of a sling or splint, fix your chacos on the go, and the list goes on and on. hope you like this cool trick.

P.S. If you really want to get  fancy, use a cam as your buckle.   

Monday, October 29, 2012

Post adventure

 At the moment I am working on selling all my unneeded or not productive to my new & outgoing life style. this includes my extra guitar, old clothing, project car that was getting no where, and my truck that I never use anymore due to my travels. the hardest thing to let go of is my precious 2004 mustang I got from a old friend. I need an AWD vehicle, the mustang just won't do in the snow. I hope who ever takes these items makes good use of them and that the money & freedom gained for this sale will help with my up coming trips.  

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Research Day

Doing the research

(this I where I conduct some of my research before I plan any trip.) 

I find it to be good Idea before going on planning any trip and/or adventures to do a little research. Today I spent most of my day in the public library. The library is such a great and so vastly under utilized resource. When researching I always start there to start for a number of reasons:
it's free, it's easy, and there is one in every town. What I find myself doing is gathering my laptop  maps, and other things from home and getting to the library early. Once there raiding the shelves for guild books, maps, out door survival, wifi, and anything useful I can think of (things that would cost a fortune anywhere else). As soon as I have all my treasures in hand, I rush to the quiet station to lay out my work space before anyone else can stake a claim. this time I managed to commandeer a table to myself near the windows. as you can see today was a light day of searching. I went through one magazine publisher at a time and used the guild books as reference. I recommend bringing a pen and some paper or you'll be ending up writing on you phone a lot, waiting valuable time. The most helpful magazine I read today was "back packer magazine". There were reference to hikes in my area, that I never heard of, that I could then look up, recipes, and gear guilds. "outdoor" magazine was good too.... just not my cup of tea or maybe it was just not what I was in the mood for today. I managed to get all of this research done in peace. It was dark by the time I left and I had hardly noticed until it was upon me. Time passes as your having fun.

Monday, October 15, 2012

My T.A.R.D.I.S.

This my friends is my T.A.R.D.I.S. (Doctor Who reference).
She is my beautiful 1999 Ducatie Monster 750. Our story goes something like this:

 Since early childhood I have always been enchanted with motorcycles. Ever since my first 3 dollar toy to magazines of my early adult hood, a motorcycle was a dream out of my reach. My mother would never allow it and my family's policy was that we "We have to work hard for our goals". Most of my life I have worked as a farm hand, earning very little. I would've never made enough to buy my beloved dream machine that way, so when I turned 20 I applied for a second job. I worked over my self to the bone to put very little in my saving but at least it was something. After I had saved a little money, I began researching models, makes, specifications, and brands. I soon started searching Craigslist for a motorcycles in my price range which was about 500 dollars. all I wanted was a junker but I was soon to be surprised by a down right miracle. At this point (after much prayer) I though "you know what? I may as well try and look a little higher in price. what could it hurt". Soon after, I found myself looking on Craigslist on a lovely October Sunday morning before church. I found a Post for a Ducati Monster for 2000 dollars! At the time I did not know what a Ducati was. All I knew was at that moment I had fallen in love with this beautiful blue wonder. "Blue happens to my favorite color, sign 1". Without thinking I email the guy instantly. he wants to me after church. "church...wait... sign 2". my instincts were going off going crazy! the whole time during the church service my knees were shaking, my food was bouncing, my heart was racing. finally the service ended and I leaped out of my seat, ran to my parents told them where I was going, arranged for them to meet me there, and booked it over to this guys house. I took me far to long to find his little 1 car garage abode. I know on the door and... I knew the guy! His name was Don. he sat across the room from me at church, even the same row! "sign 3, this has to be to good to be true"!   I talked to him for a while and the motorcycle checked out. one problem I didn't have enough money... So I was hopping dad would step in and save the day. Dad arrived an hour later, he sent me to talk to my mother. My mother and I had crafted a deal, that stated if I cut my "Afro" (which I had grown out for a little bit of leverage) she would allow me to get a bike. she was not happy about all of this, so I tried to convince her. while we are talking Dad goes for a test ride and talked to the Don. As usual in our family, Dad sent me to do my research and write him a paper presenting my argument. A week later I call up Don and he regrets to inform me that someone else had bought the bike. I was heart broken but I still had a little hope left, the dream wasn't dead. I thought to my self "maybe there is something better out there for me"? I continued looking. Truth be told there were some nice motorcycles out there but nothing like that beautiful blue wonder. Months went buy and Christmas had come. On that holy when children's dreams come true, I learned that it's never to late to feel like a child with a shiny new toy. Like a normal Christmas at the Hetzel house hold, we went to church, exchanged gifts, nothing big, nothing to exciting... until. I open the last present and Inside was a motorcycle jacket from my older brother. He also was saving for a bike he couldn't afford and bought himself a jacket. "why is he giving me this? wait a minute...."! instantly my instincts were flaring up like no time be for it. I managed to calm my self and come to reason with the possibility of false hope. Dad later that day sent me to the garage to grab his drill. My older brother followed me for some reason. I walked in through the side door of the garage. Inside the garage was not 1 but 2 motorcycles!  My beautiful blue wonder was just standing there with a bow on top. my mind broke and I was speechless. Dad opens the front garage door and chucks something at me, it hits me in the head and I manage in my dazed state to catch the item in my enclosed hand. I unravel my fingers to find the keys in my hand. And with out saying a word he just walks away. The truth of the matter is that he had convinced Don to go along with this charade. "He got me! He got me! No one ever get me! He got me!".

Since then this beautiful blue wonder and I have been on many adventures together. We have traveled together for thousands of miles through the wind, the rain, the heat, and a few lightning lightning storms. I would have it no other way. She is my T.A.R.D.I.S. and I am here Doctor.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Greating & salutations

Hello there. My name is Noah C. Hetzel. I am a young adventure guide who seeks to spend his life "Alive and on fire". This blog is going to be devoted to my adventures, explorations, and getting all together lost more times then we will count. My journey starts at the age of 21 and I hope will end with a bang, at a reasonable age (lord willing). I ask that my followers stay tuned in and tell your friends about this blog.